url: https://www.jaeger.nl/app/uploads/2024/03/met-WV_versie2024-1.png

An issue with the Dutch Tax Authorities?

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The best Dutch litigation tax criminal lawyer by your side

Jaeger’s tax lawyers are specialized in Dutch tax litigation and (tax) fraud cases. We have deliberately chosen this sharp delineation of our field: we would rather be very good then very big. Our tax lawyers are happy to help you.

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Received a reminder or enforcement order, but not the tax assessment, what can I do?

When sending a tax assessment, things sometimes go very wrong at the Tax Administration. You don’t receive the tax assessment itself, but you do receive a reminder for leaving that tax assessment unpaid or even a penalty order, with the tax authorities also charging fees. This blog answers the following questions: – Can I (still) object to the tax assessment itself? – When is the tax authority late in imposing the tax assessment? – What can I do if the tax authorities do not want to deal with t….

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